Duct Sealing Pricing
We have attached a pricing schedule for duct cleaning services using the Aeroseal® duct sealing technology. Please click the link below to download the document as a PDF. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us at (805) 903-2266. Thank you!

*Pricing is applicable to any one system up to 60,000 Btu cooling or 125,000 Btu's in heating capacity. Multiple systems will be quoted separately. Additional charges may be required under certain circumstances, including but not limited to, travel time in excess of one hour from zip code 93442, additional repairs to the home or business discovered during service, duct work that is structurally concealed prior to service, and wall cavities used as return air ducting. These situations will be handled on an as needed basis. Aeroseal California will not charge for any service without prior consultation. Aeroseal California reserves the right to amend pricing at any time.
Duct Leakage Test and Diagnostic Service - Only $99
Would you like to test your duct system for leaks in order to evaluate the need for duct sealing? For only $99 we can let you know exactly how your ductwork is performing with the advanced Duct Blaster® testing system.
The development of the Minneapolis Duct Blaster more than 15 years ago has revolutionized performance testing of forced air distribution systems for builders, HVAC contractors, and utility DSM programs. The Minneapolis Duct Blaster is a calibrated air flow measurement system used to test and document the airtightness of forced air duct systems in both houses and light commercial buildings.

The Duct Blaster fan is directly connected to the duct system, typically at a central return, or at the air handler cabinet. With the remaining registers and grills temporarily taped off, duct airtightness is measured by either pressurizing or depressurizing the duct system and precisely measuring the fan flow and duct pressure.
Duct airtightness measurements are used to diagnose and demonstrate leakage problems, estimate efficiency losses from duct leakage, and certify the quality of duct system installation. The Duct Blaster is the preferred system for Title 24 testing in California, as well as compliance testing for Energy Star and other performance-based programs throughout the country.